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Posts Tagged ‘survey’

SWOT analysis – a digital experiment

Posted by Nick on July 21, 2009

I’m currently reviewing the process of a SWOT analysis in line with JISC’s recommendations for progress posts:

Project SWOTing: Undertake a basic SWOT analysis of your project (which is a good thing to repeatedly do with yourself when you have a couple free moments waiting for a bus or train, especially helpful at the end of code sprints). The key is to truly knowing thyself or at least your project.

I’ve found a useful introduction to SWOT at which emphasises that “while at first glance the SWOT looks like a simple model and easy to apply, experience shows that to do a SWOT analysis that is both effective and meaningful, requires time and a significant resource. It requires a team effort and cannot be done effectively by only one person.”

While JISC do suggest a basic analysis and this is, after all, rapid innovation, nevertheless it would perhaps be rather too easy to pay lip service to a funder exortation such as this and rattle off a few platitudes before moving on so I thought I’d try to use the blog to generate some input from the project team – not least because I tend not to use public transport and drive everywhere…

The CIPD site points at a template for SWOT at which looks quite thorough and lists internal and external strengths and weaknesses under several headings: people; resources; innovation & ideas; marketing; operations; finance.

I’ve set up a survey to try and get some input from my colleagues:

(Slightly cut down due to a free account only allowing 10 questions – I’ve missed out finance.)

This is primarily for input from the #bibliosight project team but we would also welcome input from anybody interested in SWOT/#bibliosight/#jiscri

N.B. Below is the (very brief) risk register from the original bid:

Risk register from original bid

Risk register from original bid

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